
The Girl Who Lept Through Time

The Girl Who Lept Through Time
I read reviews online before I picked it up, but still only barely knew what it was about.... time travel... maybe a girl that jumps? And as anime can generate some real lemons, and long ago I had become enured to the potential that this new addition may very well be another fan fueled 2 hours of idoicy, I was pleasantly surprised by this one. It's funny and engaging and paces itself fairly well. The film walks around a touchy subject, potentially mired with plot holes, like time travel and runs circles around it merrily making camp and plot points till things start to keenly fold in on themselves. The quality of the film, despite some frame rate issues, is up their with the Miyazaki works. It has to be one of the best time travel film to cross my path.
It even has the "Jessica Seal of Approval" - If my wife likes it, it has to be good.



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