
Map! - Spinward Marches 'Sorel'

In MTU Sorel is something of a rustic backwater protected by the Imperium's developing civilizations and ancient historical site laws. Though its legal status is frequently abused for various reasons by the natural inhabitants, the Sorel. The Sorel are little more than cold blooded parasitic pseudo-vines capable of speech and high thought but very little else. It is unclear how they came to be originally, but some evidence suggests Ancient involvement occurred in their past in either a genetic or purely social role.
Found strictly on Sorel, At birth they are attached to a fruit bearing tree (or bushes, in the case of the poor), from which they will gather nearly all their nourishment, that the Sorel then grow with as much as they grow onto it. The type of plant that they are bonded too often determines their social status and role in Sorellian society.
They are almost completely immobile and bound to the fate of the plant they host with. As such they welcome travellers and other humans that are capable of assisting them and reward them with choir songs and fine wooden crafts, often grown into the shape they are presented in from the vessel that they host. Such crafts are considered the finest honor that they can bestow and their choir routines are thought of as the most enchanting in the sector.

However in addition to being know for their gifts of song and trinkets, they are frequently depicted as being loud, abrasive, passive-aggressive, and gabby. The scout retinues dispatched to Sorel never do so happily and freqently leave ahead of schedule.

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