
MR2 Update: Go go Gadget ignitor coil!

After a hiatus from MR2s and dealing with MR2OC vendor MCS, I don't recommend either, my '2 is almost on the road!

As some of you may know, I used to have a rather nice low mileage AW11. I loved the car. But a ditz cut me off at an intersection and, ce la vi, caused more damage than I could rightly compensate for at the time. I mournfully sold her for parts and moved on to a '91 Silverado that served me phenomenally well till Memphis happened (stolen... from my own friggin driveway).

I always regretted letting the car go, but now that things are far more stable for me, I plunged back in with encouragement from the wife.

The new car I found was a greenish 91t that was on the outs in San Antonio. It had significant engine troubles, an owner that was unfamiliar with the car (and in retrospect was either a con or completely ignorant), and some collision damage. It was practically screaming for a little TLC to run free on the roads again.

And not unlike seeing a lonely puppy in the rain, I took her home.

As the 5SGTE MCS engine thing fell apart after more than a year, i picked up a 50k JDM motor from ebay that, i kid you not, arrived at my door the day after I ordered it and fired up fine outside of my own shenanigans. Just last friday she made her baby stepping trip around the block.

Pic is moments before its first trip. I figured if there was a moment for epic hilarity, it would be the moment it gets to the street. So I took this picture to compare the before and after effects of the supposed imminent carnage. Thankfully, it did fine.

Notice the "BriCk" TRD external parking retention device on the passenger side front. It's mad JDM tyte yo. I gotta fix that.

The ignitor coil failed on it just recently after tuning/dressing down the car from its trip. Though I'm grateful it did not leave me stranded, it's being replaced tonight with a brand new one from Lithia!

It's first real trip also took place that same day... but that's another story. One that opened my eyes to how the cops work around here, the retaining tension of license plate screws, and how a seemingly fine ignitor can develop problems the moment you need it.



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