

I posted this on 4chan about the Jerrail.
At the time I couldn't remember their name... still, I would like to introduce them in a campaign sometime beyond the evidence of their tampering.

For Traveller, I came up with a race of omni-vorous cannibals based on arrow crabs.

They had a penchant for cannibalizing other ships for parts and generally retrofitting them into their own crafts- wether it helped the ship or not. The end result was often a ship or colony that resembled a hash of mismatched parts that functioned fairly reliably in the long run despite being somewhat ungainly massive and crude.

This trait was developed partly because solar conditions on their home world caused the surface to be inhospitable to the point of forcing the survivors into underground shelters for an almost indeterminately long length of time. Everything became valuable to their culture, from other peoples possessions to oil stains.
It eventually led to them being uplifted into stellar society, or face what was commonly thought as being eventual extinction.

Shortly after being introduced to space, their perceptively greedy hoarding attitudes tended to get them shunned in the rest of civilized universe which led them to live in most of the backwater sections of the universe - collecting from passerbys what they "need" to survive.

A quickly adapted vessel or colony might just have junk strapped around it.

More long term, or heritage craft constructed and retrofitted at some of the few mother craft, are almost completely modular and are little more than rigging and a primitive workshop when it is launched.

The passage ways are unique in that they are triangular with ceiling flat and hand holds along the bottom. (Which would make a certain sort of sense to something shaped like a arrow crab.)

It got some kudos there. In retrospect it's not a horrible synopsis... and most of the notes for the old campaign that the Jerrail were set in are long gone.

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