
Map! - Spinward March 'Horosho'

Horosho is a world in change for better and worse. As a byproduct of terraforming the world is remarkably more green than it used to be. Vast ice deposits that laid below the crust were melted to provide the planet with the thin atmosphere and vast lakes it now enjoys. However the terraforming did not go as well as initially projected and it eventually crushed the Horosho government under its financial burden. The terraforming project now sits half completed as the world slowly slides back to its natural state. Strong sudden storms are common with atmospheric pressure dipping dangerously for hours at a time.
Though the current regime enjoys public support for disposing of the former government pork projects, it sits on a precarious position of watching the world slide back into being uninhabitable to the less developed parts of society that grew up depending on the terraformed Horosho.

Horosho is also home to some of the most famous scout training facilities in the Glisten sector that value not only the data gained by the terraforming project, but by the 2 nearly hostile worlds from which they dispatch recruits for training.

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