
Pike's Peak Rally

Listen to that turbo howl!
They broke the record and couldn't have done it against a prettier back drop.



Tron: Legacy

I love Tron... however...
... 'Don't know if want'.

This is Disney after all. Their ratio of 'Witch Mountains' to 'Pirates of the Caribbean' is way in favor for the awkward movies staring muscular heroes.


Sad Reality

What is sad about this is that it is a relatively accurate account of how vendor sales work.


REPO! The Genetic Opera

Timeline- the future.
It's been forty years since the end of the disastrous Modonna/Bowie wars and their legacy of designer drugs, plastic surgery, and tacky clothes continues on. Truely it is a dark future; a grim future.

Or at least that's what I was thinking as I uncomfortably went through this film. It's simply awkward and does little to justify opera as a viable genre for film. Not that I'm beyond the cultural aspect or how it fits the theme of the movie. Rather the constant singing made me wish that someone would just say what they meant, much less sing something worthwhile. This is its greatest failing. Its inability to harness the singing talent that they have. And when the film clocks in at a little over an hour and a half - nearly all of it being sung, not having a good song staple is suicide. Though there are a few gems in there shrieking through the chorus. They're just too far in between.

They're quite a few grotesque moments for it's own sake as well. It's to be expected from the producers of the later editions of Saw. And some of it is quite enjoyable and smart but its only rarely so. The same thing can be said of the plot. While it manages to be distinct and mildly clever in a Shakesperean sense, if you've enjoyed many classical works at all, you'll be familiar with the film.

It is worth noting that, not that I've seen many, this has to be the best performance by Paris Hilton that I've ever seen. I thought it was a great impersonator until I looked it up. In 'REPO!' she comes alive as a rather competent performer.

I can't recommend 'REPO!' But if you liked the delightfully cringe inducing musical train wreck of 'Rocky Horror', you'll love 'REPO!'. These films are practically from the same cloth.

...Though 'REPO!' would be an awesome addition to a "bad movie night" line up.




I have to admit, I chuckled a few times.



Campaign Log

I've moved the campaign log off to a site for itself : Spinward Traveller.

Separated out from the usual tedium.

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Toy Story 3

Consider this for a second; if Andy was a real boy, and say 8 when Toy Story released, he'd be 23 when this movie releases.


Astro Boy

Reinventing classics seem to be in vogue and Astro Boy couldn't escape the undead claws of the american cinema either. I was almost sold on the slick art of this one, till I saw the voice talent list at the end.

Bad signs ahead when the cameo list is as almost as long as the trailer.



Ghibli makes some good films no doubt. However, unlike his latest creations, most of his films are pseudo psychedelic hippy acid trips.

It looks like he's gone back to his roots.



Looks good, sign me up.



Ever get the suspicion that the trailer is better than the movie? Me too, quite frequently. 2012 looks like it will be in that same ball park.


District 9

I'd like to see this one. Looks like it might be a little heavy handed with its Guantanamo/War on Terror references.

I have to admit though, I like the original trailer more. It shows more tact and restraint.



Like Christmas in July!

Mech Warrior 5!!


The rumors are true. It's a reboot of the franchise with one of the original creators of the franchise at the helm.

And it feature that classic mech the Warhammer no less.

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Mech Warrior 5?!

A trailer was leaked this morning from the studio that owns the rights to Mechwarrior.

Forgive me for a second.

I played the last iteration probably a dozen times from start to finish, in addition to all the others(and I do mean all- as they were released- from Crecent Hawks Inception to MW:4 Mercenary).
I mean, there is a Locust mech on the blog... Needless to say, there's a big fan here.



Yukikaze AMV

I think I'm just a sucker for AMVs with Night Wish.

...But this features Yukikaze too. Yukikaze I recommend on the grounds that very few animes can execute a sort of "side-scroller shooter" kind of dynamic as well as Yukikaze, in addition to just being pretty awesome. I really dig the sci-fi/alien dog fighting theme.
