
Trivia time!

Completely useless fact for the day:

The Sega Genesis controller works on an Atari 2600 and vice-versa.

This has been your completely useless fact for the day.



Memphis is some pretty...

Someone stole flowers out of our flower bed in our lawn.

They stole flowers.


Didn't even fill in the hole.



Ranking Manager

It took 3 people to be absent (and I suppose it shows how self sufficient we are on an individual level), but I just realized I'm ranking manager.

It's neat, I guess.


Work Bench: Starships, Freighters, etc.

The arm isn't completely busted now, but its still being laid off of. It's the advice of many others I've consoled over it. Even though it's "ok" it still needs time to heal.

It's a reprieve of sorts then since the MR2 was slowly turning into regretful work more than a hobby of sorts. And in the interim I've attended other hobbies, interests, and labors.

Among them, is Company of Heroes. I have a hard time believing I completely overlooked this gem of a game when it was released. At its heart, it's Dawn of War but with WW2 as a setting.
Still, it's good.

The other is miniature painting. It's mostly exploratory now, since the current subjects are something I'm unfamiliar with. Light moves differently on starships and since these GZG minis are remarkably absent of details, it's compounding that difficulty.
Doubly so with the freighters since I added some rare earth magnets to make them detachable. And, as you can see, they aren't on straight at all.
I'm really disappointed by them.

The color schemes and painting techniques on the warships are exploratory as well too. The light destroyer has a sort of anime Gladius fighter theme going on in addition to some white base coating to get the colors to pop. I don't like it.
Though it's not done by a long shot, I tried for a Chris Foss sort of color thing with the cruiser, but it too comes up short. It looks vaguely like a Smurf command carrier. Interesting to note, it was done completely without a brush.

Both are likely to be stripped and repainted at a later date. I will however, continue experimenting with the airbrush techniques I used on the cruiser.

Now if I could only decide on a color scheme, I'd be set.


