
There has to be a breaking point somewhere.

There is nothing wrong with supporting the community and all, but did they really need a special website for black people? I'm offended- but I'm not sure on what level it strikes me the most.

Was the website 365white already taken? That wouldn't be racist at all would it?

Or are they condescending to the African American community? They're so special they need their own website.

Are they implying the African American culture so privileged as to be treated like it was something to hold separate?

There is some other insulting tid bits you can read in (a future... in McDonalds... for America's favorite poor "minority"?) But to be frank this is all a little overwhelmingly aggravating. I admire African American history and adopt it as my own because it's not strictly African American- it's part of the American zietgeist. It's taught in our schools collectively with all the things that make America great as well as the things we'd like to brush over. We are raised along side each other and play togethor in such mixed classes that skin color is irrelevent. We're taught to not be aware of each other's skin... and typically I don't, as a resident of Memphis... until something like this is brought up.

There simply is no need to make a website declaring intent based strictly on one's skin color unless they were pandering to that needlessly discriminatory cultural subset of exclusion and racism.



Where's an Egg

Where's an Egg

It's worth posting cause it makes me laugh every time. You play a Russian KGB member charged with finding someone who has stole an egg from the people's store. Dish out Soviet justice on the thieving cur.

The game design here in is absolutely sublime.


Depression... is good?

I've never made the connection myself. I've just assumed my bouts were always stress related and random. I'd drink a coke, procrastinate, and move on. But in retrospect, this article is spot on because rarely does procrastinating or moving on help (cokes are a shot in the dark). I dare say it gets worse with any activity.
Now I've always got defensive and reclused on occasion, particularly with big software projects, but it's just as part of my personality. I'm inherently anti-social. But I haven't had to deal with a significant bout of clinical depression for a long time. It only recently struck me as being terrifying that I still could get so incredibly depressed as I was over the past few days.

Coincidentally I'm juggling a complex project that could mean a promotion. One on such a scale that when I last had one, I was taking medication for this exact problem.

There was a lesser issue, and some soul searching had to reveal it, that I wanted 2 board games; Twilight Imperium and Arkham Horror. For various reasons I've always denied myself them. I purchased them online the other day and, as the materialistic creature I apparently am, I felt allot better about it and myself.
Though, I think it scratches on a more fundamental problem. I just miss my dad.



G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

Wait, that's not the correct picture is it? It's how I prefer to remember it anyway. The movie, while not awful, isn't bad either. If the blantantly pandered sequel gets any worse, it'll be titled G.I Joe: I'm leaving the theater. Do we really need movie titles that start off with a promise of a sequel? Perhaps that's the part that I don't get. Cobra is so inept in this movie, as in the cartoon too, that they can barely make it to the end of the week without blowing themselves up. How on Earth are we expected to believe that they will make it to another movie?

Oh that's right, we sent G.I. Joe after them; the organization that is only marginally less incompetent than Cobra. It's the Special Olympics of spec ops teams duking it out to the tune of some untold sum of cash. Which must be steep given all the high tech toys.

Perhaps that's the real goal of this Cobra/G.I. Joe pairing- to revitalize the economy with arms sales... or perhaps to convince the French to not fuel their cars with C4.

See the movie and you'll know what I mean. While the movie isn't bad, it is, as another reviewer aptly pointed out, 1 giant CGI hand away from recreating the experience of playing with G.I. Joes as a kid. That alone is worth one hell of a nod because despite it being brain liquifying stupidity most of the time, the movie is FUN and that alone seems to be what allot of films miss these days.


District 9

District 9

My wife and I saw it at a opening night midnight showing just to make the event more exciting. District 9 however needed no such condolences. It's so awesome, it took me almost a week to say anything about it.

Though there are some heavy handed references to District 6, the epitomal area characterized by the Apartheid, casting off District 9 because of it would be like being disappointed in Alien/Aliens because they're allegories for rape. It, like Alien/Aliens, is simply awesome despite it. It's incredibly well thought out within its own universe and build upon what all good sci-fi tends to be, a morality play.

I could go on and on about how well thought out the movie is and about all the nuances that are fleshed out and sublimely critical, but it would be spoiling. Suffice it to say that it is a modern classic in the veins of the original Star Wars, Alien\Aliens, The Matrix, and maybe RoboCop.

Go see it.

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Miyazaki- On Your Mark

Miyazaki directed this- if it's not obvious. It's very pretty I think; I've always liked his art style and, in particular, his insistence on keeping animators animating as opposed to going CG. The CG assisted look of allot of other animes is just too cold to enjoy on the same level. Notice the Miyazaki also has a frame rate much higher than a typical anime too, on a music video no less.

Too bad it's a little confusing. Otherwise the beginning is like a typical night of playing XCOM: Apocalypse... stupid Cult of Sirius.

Edit: I didn't notice this till later, but the copyright date is telling. This would have been made during what I consider the golden age of OVAs, not the recent post '99 computer assisted era.


Science FIction DeBunking

To be honest, I stumbled on it... somehow...

Awesome nonetheless: Project RHO